Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garnier & Times of India "Take Charge" Initiative

Garnier & TOI had launched a Take care, Take Charge" Initiative,to help build a greener planet.

What has been a very successful event as youth and other citizens poured in with thousands of Green Ideas in a little more than two weeks. The last day of "sharing these ideas with them is 11th May 2010.
TOI has stated that they will but 10 pkg of used paper for recycling for every idea recieved. Moreover, the best six will be published in the TOI and featured in a special edition. Not to mention that the Giovernment will receive these recomendations for implementaion or devlopement...so waht better way to get your idea immplemented for the redemtion of our planet earth, creating a new face of India, and being recognized for it!
So Let's not waste anymore time, let's Take Charge.